Mineral Cabinet |
Aegirine NaFe[Si2O6] acmite from Langesundfjord, Norway. |
Augite Ca2Mg[Si2O6] idiomorphic crystals from Paschkapole, Teplitz, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia. |
Bronzite (Fe,Mg)2[Si2O6] idiomorphic crystals with plagioclas from the Radautal, Hartz Mountains, Germany. |
Bronzite (Fe,Mg)2[Si2O6] "Bastit" from the Kolebornskehre, Bad Harzburg, Germany. |
Diopside Ca2Mg[Si2O6] diallage from the Gabbrobruch Radautal, Bad Harzburg, Germany. |
Diopside Ca2Mg[Si2O6] idiomorphic crystals from Magog, Quebec, Canada. |
Enstatite Mg2[Si2O6] fragment of a crystal from Bamle, Norway. |
Hypersthene (Fe,Mg)2[Si2O6] aggregate from St. Pauls Island, Brazil. |
Pectolite Ca2NaH[Si3O9] fibrous crystals from New Jersey, USA. |
Rhodonite CaMn4[Si5O15] fowlerite from Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, USA. |
Spodumene LiAl[Si2O6] fragment of a crystal from Karibib, South-West Africa. |
Wollastonite Ca3[Si3O9] table spar with grossularite from Kaveltorp Kopparberg, Sweden. |