Mineral Cabinet |
Carbonates | |||
Ankerite CaFe[CO3]2 brown spar from Felsöbanya, Hungary. |
Aragonite CaCO3 twinned needle spar from Corocoro, Bolivia. |
Aragonite CaCO3 flower of iron from Eisenerz, Steiermark, Austria. |
Azurite Cu3[OH|CO3]2 blue copper ore with malachite from the Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, USA. |
Azurite Cu3[OH|CO3]2 blue copper ore from Tsumeb, South-West Africa. |
Calcite CaCO3 calc-spar from St. Andreasberg, Hartz Mountains, Germany. |
Calcite CaCO3 calc-spar from Oberhohendorf, Zwickau, Saxony, Germany. |
Cerussite PbCO3 white lead ore from Broken Hill, Australia. |
Dolomite CaMg[CO3]2 globular aggregates with ankerite and gypsum from Schemnitz, Hungary. |
Dolomite CaMg[CO3]2 idiomorphic crystals with quartz and sphalerite from the Schauinsland Mine, Freiburg, Baden, Germany. |
Dolomite CaMg[CO3]2 idiomorphic crystals from the Aurora Mine, Velbert, Rhineland, Germany. |
Magnesite MgCO3 coarse crystalline magnesite from Sunk, Trieben, Steiermark, Austria. |
Malachite Cu2[(OH)2|CO3] banded aggregates from Nishne Tagilsk, Ural Mountains, Russia. |
Malachite Cu2[(OH)2|CO3] botryoidal aggregates from the Ural Mountains, Russia. |
Malachite Cu2[(OH)2|CO3] banded aggregates from Nishne Tagilsk, Ural Mountains, Russia. |
Rhodochrosite MnCO3 spherical aggregates of manganese spar from Romania. |
Rhodochrosite MnCO3 manganese spar from the Mina Captillas, Argentina. |
Siderite FeCO3 globular aggregates of steel ore from the Levant Mine, Cornwall, Great Britain. |
Siderite FeCO3 steel ore with calcite from the Siegerland, Germany. |
Smithsonite ZnCO3 reniform smithsonite from Rezbanya, Hungary. |
Strontianite SrCO3 aggregate from Bad Grund, Hartz Mountains, Germany. |
Witherite BaCO3 barium carbonate from Alston, Cumberland, Great Britain. |
Borates | |||
Boracite Mg3[Cl|B7O13] idiomorphic crystals from Diekholzen, Hildesheim, Germany. |
Borax Na2B4O7 · 10 H2O idiomorphic crystals of tincal from Tibet. |