RULES AND CONDITIONS FOR SMITHSONIAN IMAGE FILES ------------------------------------------------ These Smithsonian image files cover topics ranging from air and space to science, technology, history, and even current events. These images are designed to give the user who cannot come to Washington, the opportunity to see and learn about many of the Smithsonian's most popular and important objects and exhibits. They cover a broad spectrum of interests which we hope will interest our electronic audience. Here we are able to present photographs from many of our museums on the Mall in Washington, plus other Smithsonian bureaus such as the National Zoo and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Starting with some of our best photographs, all scanning and image preparation is done in our Electronic Imaging Laboratory. In addition to the image, extensive captions are included, as part of our mission for the "increase and diffusion of knowledge." These captions are either within the image file itself, (the 89a Comment Block in GIF files; or captions in the JFIF.uu files read with the ImageBrowser HyperCard stack); or are available as a separate accompanying ASCII file in the folder PREVIEW-TEXT [filename.ASC]. We hope you enjoy these images and we invite your comments via E-mail to PSDMX@SIVM.SI.EDU. ACCESS TO AND USE OF SMITHSONIAN IMAGE FILES AND DATA IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Software, documentation, electronic image files, and other materials ("Materials") may be covered by restrictions, and/or copyright. The Smithsonian Institution ("SI"), and its Office of Printing & Photographic Services ("OPPS") image files are made available for non-commercial, personal use. Copying or redistribution in any manner for personal or corporate gain is not permitted. SI specifically retains any rights, including possible copyright, which it may have in data, files, and/or the images they contain. Users may download these files for their own use, subject to any additional terms or restrictions which may be provided with the individual file or program. In keeping with the spirit of the Internet it is the policy of the SI and OPPS to permit casual, non-commercial redistribution of this information; that is, redistribution of information where no commercialism is involved. This means that an Internet user may download a file and share it with others for no personal or commercial gain. Commercial publication or exploitation of Smithsonian files is specifically prohibited. All parties posting, obtaining and/or using these Materials represent and warrant to the SI and OPPS that the submission, installation, copying, distribution, and use of such Materials will not violate any other party's proprietary rights. Neither OPPS nor SI are responsible for any errors created in or damage to the Materials as a result of their use. All Materials maintained are provided "as is" with no warranties of any kind. OPPS AND SI DISCLAIM ALL EXPRESS WARRANTIES INCLUDED IN ANY MATERIALS, AND FURTHER DISCLAIM ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. Materials may not be used for any purpose requiring fail-safe performance, or as to which defects in or failure of Materials could cause death, personal injury, or property or environmental damage ("High Risk Activities"). OPPS AND SI DISCLAIM ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO HIGH RISK ACTIVITIES. NEITHER OPPS NOR SI SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, ARISING FROM THE SUBMISSION, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, TRANSMISSION, COPYING, MODIFICATION, DISTRIBUTION OR ANY USE OF ANY MATERIALS. 1. Q. May I put these on a file server in my school, company, museum? A. Yes, if there's no charge for the user. All the accompanying text information (accompanying ASCII text caption files [filename].ASC, this SMITHSONIAN.RULES.TXT file, etc.) must be included, and must be presented completely and unchanged. << >> 2. Q. May I put these on my BBS? What if I charge a subscription fee? A. Contact the address below first. If approved, all the accompanying text information (accompanying ASCII text caption files [filename].ASC, this SMITHSONIAN.RULES.TXT file, etc.) must be included, and must be presented completely and unchanged. If there is a subscription fee for the BBS, such a fee must be only for overall access, and not specifically for download or use of these files. << >> 3. Q. May I mirror these files on my Internet site in Finland or Australia because it is expensive for my users to log into A. See 1 & 2 above. << >> 4. Q. May I put these on a CD-ROM, public domain or otherwise? A. No. << >> 5. Q. May I print some of these out for my report? A. Assuming this is a non-commercial academic work, yes. This type of use is encouraged. << >> 6. Q. How do I obtain permission to use the files in a publication, commercially, on a CD-ROM, BBS, etc.? A. Anyone wishing to use any of these files or images for commercial use or publication must first request and receive prior permission by contacting: Smithsonian Institution Office of Printing & Photographic Services MAH CB-054 Washington, DC 20560 (PSDMX@SIVM.SI.EDU) Permission for such use is granted on a case-by-case basis. A usage fee may be involved depending on the type and nature of the proposed use. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PROJECT CHAPMAN The Smithsonian's Internet file server "" has been made possible through a generous grant from the Apple Library of Tomorrow Program, under Project Chapman (named for John Chapman, a.k.a. "Johnny Appleseed").